Water Quality
CRS has been solving water quality problems for our diverse client base for more than 25 years, spending a lot of time before the State Water Resources Control Board and eight of the nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards.
Our clients have included public municipal agencies, major industrial facilities, various small businesses, real estate development interests and trade groups.
NPDES permitting, compliance and enforcement
State Water Board plan, policies, and regulation development and implementation
Regional Water Board Basin plan development and implementation
State and regional water quality policy planning and implementation
TMDL listing, development and implementation
401/404 Water Quality Certification and related permitting
“Pollutant trading” for regulatory compliance
Land-based and off-shore hydraulic fracturing project development
Success Stories
Craig Johns has been working on water quality issues in California for more than 25 years.
During eight of those years, Mr. Johns served on a Regional Water Quality Control Board and presided over and participated in several hundred NPDES, WDR and 401 Certification applications.